Your tax-deductible contributions to Kaleidoscope allow our Houston alumnae organization to make a meaningful impact in our local community and on our collegiate members nationwide.  Your support is greatly appreciated!

Tax-deductible donations can be made at any time to Chi Omega Kaleidoscope, our 501(c)3 non-profit fundraising entity, either online  or by mailing a check to P.O. Box 27543, Houston, Texas 77227-7543.

Gifts to Kaleidoscope’s General Charitable Fund enable us to provide financial support to our various beneficiaries, including scholarships to Houston-area collegians, educational support to Chi Omega chapters nationally through the Chi Omega Foundation, as well as grants to our local philanthropy partner, Make-A-Wish® Texas Gulf Coast and Louisiana, and other local charities.

Donations to Chi Omega Kaleidoscope are often eligible to be matched by other donors, such as employers, etc.  In circumstances where matching gift requirements are limited to academic or educational purposes, we also welcome gifts designated for our Scholarship Fund.