Chair: Sissy Hall Gregory
University of Texas, Iota
Take a break from your busy schedule and enjoy a Dutch treat meal with your sisters. Locations and restaurants vary monthly. Can’t stay the entire time? Drop by for the time you have available!
Have questions or a place to recommend?
Chair: Rachel Richards
University of Oklahoma, Epsilon Alpha
Are you a recent graduate or are you just young at heart? Meet the Night Owls for after-work social events and weekend activities. Night Owls is the perfect opportunity for busy women, who are not available during the day, to get involved.
Have questions or an idea for an event or location?
Chair: Amy Miers
University of Texas, Iota
The Chi Omega Mothers’ Club gathers several times a year and offers a fun way to meet moms of other collegiate Chi Omegas. You do not have to be a Chi Omega alumna…just the mother of a Chi Omega! Mothers’ Club dues help cover the cost of Mothers’ Club gatherings and fund scholarships to deserving Houston area collegiate Chi Omegas. The daughter of any dues-paying Mothers’ Club member may apply for a Mothers’ Club scholarship. Applications will be available in December and must be turned in by February. Membership Form
Have questions?
Chair: Katelyn Swanson Karger
Texas State University, Alpha Zeta
A group for mamas and littles. Journey through motherhood and sisterhood with social outings and playgroups.
Have questions or an idea for an event or location?
Chi Omega Alumnae Association of Houston
Houston, Texas
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